AppXite Platform API Access

AppXite Platform APIs can be executed in 2 ways:

  1. In a Web browser on the Developer Portal at
  2. In API Tools (like Postman) using authorization through the bearer token (API Client credentials).

For the API Client credentials, please submit a ticket with AppXite Support

This article focuses on the Developer Portal only.


Appxite Developer Portal is available under the following URL:

It enables users to manage access and execute API calls in production or test environments by any Customers in a web browser. We also show how these API calls can be duplicated in Postman using the same access rules as in the Developer Portal.

Using Developer Portal is a self-service process however Appxite Support can help very often help so please submit the request on accessing or using the portal if needed.


For detailed steps on how to start using the portal refer to the following steps:

  1. Go to the following URL and sing up from there:
  2. Following signing up, go to the following URL and login to the Developer Portal:
  3. Go to the following URL and select the product you are interested in to use APIs:
    By product, it is meant grouped API calls related in some scope of functionalities.
  4. For each product you need to subscribe for a subscription by giving a subscription name and selecting Subscribe:

    Note: It can take 1-2 days before your subscription has been approved since the access is granted based on the email address you used during sign up process.
    E.g. Customers are granted the access to Production or Sandbox environments to the portion of data based on the access they have in Appxite platform.

    All subscription you subscribed for can be visible from Profile page:
  5. From here, you are ready to start exploring the API calls. For detailed steps, navigate the following manual:
    but the process is very intuitive as shown below.
  6. To execute API call from a web browser navigate to the following URL, select particular API, and select 'Try It' button as shown below:

Make sure to select the authorization code and to authenticate with your platform user credentials, in order to obtain the bearer token.


Please be mindful that the same request can be sent from Postman using the same request type (eg. GET or POST), same request URL and at least the set of all mandatory headers or any optional ones. Sample execution for the same request in browser is shown below in Postman:

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