Advanced Organizations View
Advanced organizations section gives full overview and instant access to the entire sales channel on a single page, including also creating new partners & customers.
Accessing Advanced Organizations View
Advanced organizations view can be found by:
- Opening Organizations section in the platform by navigating to 'Select Organizations'.
- Navigating to 'Advanced organizations view' switch as outlined below.
Available organization information
List of all organizations across all platforms that the user can access will appear, and it can include vendor, distributor, seller and customer organizations:
More details on the available columns:
- Organizations status (filterable) - Status of the organization, it can be: Active, New, Blocked.
- Organization name - Name of the organization, if clicked, the organizations details will open in a new page.
- Organization type (filterable) - Options include: Vendor, Distributor, Seller, Customer.
- External ID - ERP id of the organization.
- Subscriptions - For customer organizations, number of subscriptions that the organization has.
- Country (filterable) - Country of the organization.
- Industries (filterable) - Industries that the organization can purchase/sell, for example, Private Business, Education, Government, Nonprofit.
- Tenant Name - Name of the Tenant will be displayed.
- Tenant ID- Name of the Tenant ID will be displayed.
3. Create Customer - Will redirect you to the new page where you can create Customer organization manually. In more detail read this article.
4. Choose columns - Allows selecting which columns to display.
Search, organization creation and other actions
There are multiple interactions that can be done with the data, and organization creation is more convenient.
Search by Name, ID, or of the organizations.
Search by Tenant name or ID (for example, Microsoft tenant name or Adobe Id).
Create a new partner (seller organization), available if viewing the organizations section as a distributor.
The advanced view gives basic information for organizations that the user has access to, allows finding a specific organization easier, while also providing increased flexibility in creating and acting on behalf of organizations.
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Articles in this section
- How to do Customer organization self-registration in the platform?
- How to manually create a new Customer Organization?
- Organization level Login Options
- How to Select an Organization?
- Advanced Organizations View
- How to Edit Organization profile?
- Synchronize Organization with existing MS Tenant
- How to edit basic details of the organization?
- How Preferred Currency Can Be Changed for the Organization?
- How to add segments into Organization?
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