Correction for license quantity change

Your billing date is the 1 of each month. On May 7 you purchase a new subscription with one license for EUR 4 per month and select monthly billing. The June 1 license-based reconciliation file will contain the following billing lines: 

 Charge Start Date   Charge End Date   Charge Type   Unit Price   Quantity   Amount 
 07.05.2018   07.06.2018   Purchase fee   4.00   1   4.00 


On June 18 you increase your license quantity from one to two. As you have bought new licenses during the current charge period, then the correction line will be issued within the next invoice (prorated for days with new quantity). The July 1 license-based reconciliation file will contain the following billing lines:

 Charge Start Date   Charge End Date   Charge Type   Unit Price   Quantity   Amount 
 07.06.2018   07.07.2018   Cycle fee   4.00   1   4.00 


Consequently, the August 1 license-based reconciliation file will contain the following billing lines:

 Charge Start Date   Charge End Date   Charge Type   Unit Price   Quantity   Amount 
 07.07.2018   07.08.2018   Cycle fee   4.00   8.00 
 07.06.2018   07.07.2018   Correction   2.26   1   2.26 


The monthly price is 4.00 and there are 30 days in the service period 07/06/2018 – 07/07/2018. This equates to a daily price of 0.133 (4/30).

There are 17 days in the pro-ration period 18/06/2018 – 04/07/2018 (including the date of the change).

Correction unit price = 0.133 * 17 = 2.26


Additional information: Common legacy monthly billing scenarios

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