How do I suspend a Subscription for the customer?

This article outlines the step-by-step process for suspending a customer's subscription within the platform.

Log in on behalf of the desired customer and select the Subscription Tab -> Subscription you want to suspend.

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Select the "Edit" button from the below page, in order to apply changes:


A pop-up window will appear:


a1. Now – The change order is created and processed immediately.

b1. Custom date – this option allows you to select any future date. On the selected date, the order will be sent to the vendor, and changes will apply upon successful provisioning.

c1. After renewal/commitment – this option allows scheduling changes that vendors do not allow you to make during an active commitment term. Scheduled changes will apply on renewal.
This option may not be available for some subscriptions.

a. Uncheck the status box.
b. The color becomes grey. 
c. Select "Save changes"


Customers will be warned that they may not be able to reactivate some subscriptions after disabling them. :

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NOTE! Users cannot upgrade/downgrade a disabled subscription and cannot change the configuration of a disabled subscription. If the subscription status is disabled, the configuration form is read-only.

2. After saving changes, a pop-up window with Terms & Conditions will appear, press the "I agree" button to continue.

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When a request for changes is sent, you will see a notification bar where you can locate and see the changes you have made to the subscription:

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3. Click on "View Order" to see details of the submitted order. The system will direct you to the detailed view of the order. 


NOTE! Only the offers that do not have cancellation policy enabled (e.g. Microsoft Legacy CSP offers) can be suspended this way.
Suspension cannot be applied to commitment based offers (e.g. Microsoft NCE offers).

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