Subscription Auto Renewal
- Notification trigger: Upcoming automatic renewal/expiry of the subscription if either auto-renewal was enabled or disabled.
- Recipients: Customer Primary contact. In case there is no Primary Contact set for an organization, an email is sent to nobody.
- Frequency for subscriptions to non-trial offers is sent:
- 60 days before renewal/expiry (for annual or triennial commitment)
- 35 days before renewal expiry (for annual or triennial commitment)
- 7 days before expiry (for monthly or annual or triennial commitment)
- Content: reminder to review few key things: renewal status, configuration, and price, as well as the PO number that may need an update for the new term
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Is it possible to send an automatic notification for all renewals regardless of whether autorenewal is turned on or not? We should inform the customers in both scenarios. Also, could there be several notifications, for example in 3 months and then a reminder in 1 months before the end date?