How to get full reconciliation data?

The full reconciliation data view contains complete information regarding all subscriptions managed through the Platform. The main purpose of this view is to reconcile vendors' incoming invoice billing data to Platform generated billing data by Vendor, End-Customer, Subscription ID, Charge type, and other important fields. From this view, sellers' total price can also be directly compared to customers' total price.   

In order to download full reconciliation data, at first, you should choose the invoice for which data are needed (in the Outgoing Billings section, Seller's view):


And then, you should follow the link "View full recon data":


Also here you can export data in Excel (1) and choose the columns to display (2).


Note! The status issued can only be selected after the whole invoice is verified. 

The reconciliation file contains such fields:

Field Name


Invoice number

AppXite Platform generated number per invoice receiver.

Invoice Status

Invoice state. Three possible statuses: New, Verified, Processed.

Billing date

Billing cycle i.e., date when invoices are generated.

Invoice provider

Entity issuing the invoice.

Business Location of Provider

Business location which main reseller organization is added into

Business Location of Receiver

Business location which end customer organization is added into

Invoice receiver

Entity receiving the invoice.

Receiver status

Invoice receiver status in the platform. Three possible statuses: New, Active, Blocked.

Receiver ERP ID

Field available to enter customer ERP ID for invoice receiver in AppXite platform. Can be used for data mapping purposes.

Receiver country

Country of invoice receiver as defined for the organization under legal details.

Receiver VAT number

VAT number of invoice receiver as defined for the organization under legal details.

Contract number

Field available to enter Contract number under Contract section in the Platform. Can be used for data mapping purposes.

Contract reference number

Field available to enter Contract reference number under Contract section in the Platform. Can be used for data mapping purposes.

Reference contact person

Field available to enter Reference contact person under Contract section in the Platform.

Billing address

Invoice receiver billing address as defined for the organization under billing address. Important to maintain this field up to date as this field is used to issue invoices. 


If the subscription was purchased outside of the AppXite Platform but is synced from Vendor, this subscription will get a message "Created Automatically while synchronized". Otherwise, this field will be empty.

Reseller name

Entity part of the supply chain that is issuing the invoice to the end customer.

Customer name

Entity that receives the final invoice.

Offer name

Offer name as available in the product catalog.

Subscription name

Purchased offer name. 

Subscription start date

Start date of subscription.

Subscription end date

End date of subscription.

Charge start date

Start date for charge calculation in this billing period. 

Charge end date

End date for charge calculation in this billing period. 

Charge type

Charge Type. As possible statuses: Cycle Fee, Purchase Fee, Usage Fee, Correction, One-Time.

Commitment Term

Term of commitment for subscription.


Invoicing currency.

Revenue Unit Price

Unit price for a subscription for outgoing invoice to invoice receiver.

Customer quantity

Quantity for subscription for outgoing invoice to invoice receiver.

Revenue Total Price

Total price for a subscription for outgoing invoice to invoice receiver.

Meter Info

Comes from "unit" field on a meter in CPQ, contains MeterId, MeterName (e.g., Storage) and UnitName (e.g., GB)


Vendor providing particular offer.

Cost Unit Price

Unit price for a subscription for incoming invoice to invoice provider.

Cost Total Price

Quantity for subscription for incoming invoice to invoice provider.

Reseller Currency

Total price for a subscription for incoming invoice to invoice provider. As a difference between Customer Price and Reseller Price can be calculated profitability of subscription, per customer, per reseller, or per vendor. 

Retail Price Source

Based on which price calculation is done: Vendor Retail Price or Reseller In Price

Retail Price Markup

The markup on retail price.

Customer Markup

Customer-specific markup

Price Markup Start Date

Date from which mark-up is effective.

Invoice Provider Id

AppXite Platform generated GUID number for Invoice Provider.

Invoice Receiver Id

AppXite Platform generated GUID number for Invoice Receiver

Reseller Id

AppXite Platform generated GUID number for Reseller

Customer Id

AppXite Platform generated GUID number for Customer (consuming the subscription)

Vendor Customer Id

Vendor-generated GUID number for Customer organization. For example, for Microsoft, this corresponds to customerId.

Offer Id

AppXite Platform generated GUID number for Offer

Vendor Offer Id

Vendor-generated GUID number for Offer (For every other vendor except Microsoft) Vendor Offer ID is the same as Offer ID generated by Platform

Subscription Id

Platform-generated GUID number for provisioned Offer i.e., subscription

Vendor Subscription Id

Vendor-generated GUID number for provisioned Offer i.e., subscription. For example, for Microsoft, this corresponds to SyndicationPartnerSubscriptionNumber.

Custom properties

Information regarding custom offer properties created via API

Invoice Reference #

Unique invoice reference number across vendors and sellers

Vendor Domain

Vendor tenant domain

Invoice Receiver MPN ID

MPN ID of the partner you're invoicing

Vendor Details

Vendor charge type


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