Google Cloud Seller Guide

Google Cloud: Consumption-based  

Invoice: Monthly based on the usage in the previous months

Pricing:  Online Monthly Calculator 

Up-size and down-size: Usage can be increased or decreased any time during the life-cycle. The customer is billed based on what was used 

Suspension: Suspend subscription in the Cloud Platform any time during the life-cycle. When the customer decides to stop use Billing Account, then Subscription suspension has to be submitted through Cloud Platform (See article – How to suspend subscription for the customer) and access to this Google Billing Account will be removed.


Before suspension of the subscription, please ensure that all resources have been migrated away from the GCP account that will be Suspended , in case the Customer wants to change to a different partner.

In case the Subscription suspension is not working for any reason, please contact Support team(f.ex to and we will ensure the Suspension is completed successfully.


New Customer 

There are two options for how a net new customer: 

  1. A customer can sign up with Google by visiting - And then with a newly created account place an order through Cloud Platform. 
  2. A customer can also place an order for Google Cloud from Cloud Platform, customers account with Google will be automatically registered with Admin credentials (Admin name, surname, email).


Customer with Existing GCP Account

End-customer or a reseller on behalf of the customer needs to place an order through Cloud Platform for Google Cloud with customers registered email address that customer is using for google.console.

End-customer will receive “Welcome email” to the provided Admin email address confirming that admin got permissions to use Billing Account named “Reseller name – Organization name” and also short instruction on how to assign projects to Billing account:

Next Steps 

Admin needs to log in to the Google Account

Note! Only Admin can log in to the Google Console until further rights are assigned for the organization.

  1. If it’s a new Account, then the admin needs to create a project and start managing its resources:
    How to assign a billing account to an existing project:mceclip0.png
    And under this view Customers can see how many projects are assigned to a billing account.
  2. If existing account Admin can create several projects and assign resources to these projects. Each project has to be linked to the ordered Billing Account. 

Note! “Test” billing account was created. At this stage, the account is not linked to any projects which means that the billing account is not in use. 


Note! If to disable billing for an active subscription, services may stop, malfunction or resources may be removed.

Alternatively, the end customer can change the billing account to a different payment method for each of the projects, and then it can be disabled since the account is suspended.

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