Charge Aggregation

In AppXite platform, several subscription charge types are determined:

  • Purchase Fee
  • Cycle Fee
  • Usage Fee
  • Correction
  • One Time Fee

In comparison, in Microsoft system there are around 25 different charge types. AppXite Platform parse the values from Microsoft aggregating data in different charge types by using the following logic:



AppXite charge type Microsoft charge type
Purchase Fee Purchase Fee
  Prorate Fee when purchase
Cycle Fee Cycle Fee
  Prorate Fee when renew
Correction Cycle instance prorate
  Other charge types not mentioned above


AppXite charge type Microsoft charge type
One Time Fee Purchase
Correction Other charge types not mentioned above


3.Usage based

AppXite charge type Microsoft charge type
Usage Fee Usage based, CSP contract
  Usage based, Onetime



AppXite charge type Microsoft charge type
Correction Other charge types not mentioned in any of the above sections


Example of License-based subscription with quantity change.

Invoice date: 01.02.2021, billing period 01.01.2021-31.01.2021. Quantity change event has happened on 05.01.2021.

The invoice includes a cycle fee, and a correction line.

In Microsoft's case there are four lines:

  • Prorate fee when renew - cycle for the new period (01.02.2021-28.02.2021)
  • 1st Cycle instance prorate - cost with the old quantity for the first five days of the billing cycle (01.02.2021-05.02.2021)
  • 2nd Cycle instance prorate - cost with the new quantity for the period from the sixth day of the cycle until the next billing cycle (06.02.2021-28.02.2021)
  • 3rd Cycle instance prorate - correction for the amount that has already been invoiced in the previous invoice (the previous invoice included a cycle fee for period 01.01.2021-31.01.2021 with the old quantity)
Microsoft charge type Total price
Prorate fee when renew 2791.8
Cycle instance prorate 579.73
Cycle instance prorate 2193.56
Cycle instance prorate -2705.4
Total Cycle instance prorate 67.89

Subscription lines with charge type Correction are aggregated in one correction line in AppXite platform despite Microsoft having several lines.


AppXite charge type Total price
Cycle fee 2791.8
Correction 67.89


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