How to set up automated invoice sending?

I. Setup Email Body layout for custom PDF invoice

1. Open “Report Selection - Sales” page and select Invoice in “Usage” dropdown field:

2. Check mark “Use for Email Body” field:

3. Click on “Email Body Layout Description” field to open “Custom Report Layouts” page:

4. Click on tree dots […] to open menu and select “New” > ”New…

5. Toggle on “Insert Word Layout” switch and click “OK” on the “Edit - Insert Built-in Layout for a Report” page:

6. Click on three dots […] and select “Layout” > “Import Layout” in menu: 

7. Select word document related to modifying report and click “Open”

8. Click “OK” in “Custom Report Layouts” page

9. Close “Report Selection - Sales” page


II. Add a language

1. Open “Languages” page

2. Add a new record

3. Fill in Code Name and fields.

4. In dropdown of the “Windows Language ID” field, select the language: 

5. Update Customer Language Code. In the Customer Card: 


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