How To Automate Customer Onboarding?

How to set up Customer Template?

1. Go to Search  -> Customer Templates. Open Customer Template.

2. Under "Customer templates" select Edit if you want to edit existing templates or New if you want to create a new template

3. Fill in the Posting Details in the Invoicing section 

4. Add Payment Terms Code in the Payments section.

5. Open Dimensions and add relevant dimensions (e.g. Department, Material, Plant, etc.):

6. Once the template is filled, all customers that are synced from the AppXite platform to the AppXite Invoicing Solution are automatically onboarded with the set settings, meaning that no manual interaction is required.

How to apply Customer Template to existing customers?

1. Go to Search  -> Customers

2. Select the customer (or list of customers) you wish to apply the Customer Template to.

3. Click on Actions -> Other -> Apply Template.


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