GDAP - Customer Transition and Synchronization


This article will cover instructions on how to synchronize, apply templates and finally transition your customers based on the CSP roles of your choice in batches or individually.



Customer Synchronization


  1. Synchronize Customers - Initially, you will need to synchronize your customers. We need to do this in order to create references and map the customer contact emails. When initiated, the back-end service will begin the process of mapping the data and once this is complete you will receive an email with the results. On parallel, the synchronization of customers is taking place as well, gradually, the customer contacts will be populated in the list as well.

  2. Get Customers and Relationships - This will allow you to fetch your existing customer profiles as they are from the Partner Center, which will also enable UI controls for adding customers into the transition flow.

  3. Template Selection - Before adding customers to the transition flow, you will need to have a template selected, it is paramount that the selected template has been used to generate the Security Groups that correspond with the Roles within the template.

    If unsure, please read the article: GDAP - CSP Roles / Template Management / Security Group Provisioning
  4. Add Selected Customers - This button will add the customers you have currently selected over to the Transition tab along with the template information that is selected. 

    Customer Transition view with newly added customer profiles:


Customer Transition



  1. This column illustrates the template that is going to be used for the customers along with the duration that the relationship will be provisioned for.

  2. This part shows you the list of customers that will be included in the transition and which template (1.) to be used. 
    NB! Note that in this view there can be customer rows that point to the same customer more than once, however, this is intended, as some customers may need different roles than others in case you intend to use more than a single template across your customers.

  3. Migrate Selected Customers - Before pressing the migration button, you will need to have the customers selected. It can be single, customers of your choice (Press and Hold Control - CTRL - button while selecting customers from the list, or select all by marking everything Ctrl + A.)

    After the button is pressed, based on the selected customers in the tab the transition flow will be initiated. The controls will be locked for a brief period of time to read the information from the selection and the system will do the following things in this order:

    a. Transition flow will create a GDAP relationship based on the roles provided in the template.

    b. Created relationships are then mapped to the Customer tenants - as per selection.

    c. Microsoft transition flow will consent and activate the relationship on behalf of the customer.

    d. We added a delay prior to Roles being mapped to Security Groups.

    e. Once the GDAP Relationship(s) is fully activated, the back-end service will now pull the records of the security group records that have been provisioned in previous steps and assign the Access Roles from GDAP Relationship to the corresponding security groups.

    In short - Assignment functionality is fully supported by our API's out-of-the-box for the Transition flow.



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