Invoice correction
Partners can add manual invoice corrections.
Correction functionality is available to the following roles: Distributor admin, Seller admin, and Billing admin.
Applying correction process:
1. Corrections can be added only to invoice with status “New”. It can be done by clicking the "Add correction" icon next to the line.
a. Clicking shows a popup where user can add the Total amount
i. Popup references subscription name of the original line
ii. Correction type dropdown supports the following values: Correction, ProrateAdjustment, Credits, Discount. Default value is "Correction".
iii. Total amount field accepts positive and negative numbers with decimals.
iv. Trying to save unsupported format highlights the field in red and shows error "Must be a number"
v. Trying to save blank highlights the field in red and shows error "Cannot be empty"
b. Clicking Add in the popup adds a new line in status New under the original line with the following values (see screenshot on the next page):
i. Quantity = 1
ii. Charge type = value from the dropdown
iii. Unit cost = what was provided as Total amount in the popup
iv. Total amount = what was provided as Total amount in the popup
v. Everything else = values from the original line
2. Can edit (only) New user-created correction lines by clicking "Edit" icon next to it. Clicking shows a popup:
a. Popup references subscription name of the original line
b. Correction type dropdown is prefilled with the current value, can be edited
c. Total amount field is prefilled with the current value of Total amount
d. Total amount field accepts positive and negative numbers with decimals.
e. Trying to save unsupported total amount format highlights the field in red and shows error "Must be a number"
f. Trying to save blank total amount highlights the field in red and shows error "Cannot be empty"
g. Clicking "Save changes" updates Charge type, Unit cost, and Total amount with the new values
3. Can remove (only) New user-created correction lines by clicking remove button. Requires confirmation in popup.
4. User-created correction lines are not propagated to outgoing invoices of partners lower in the contract chain. Meaning, in cases if Distributor add invoice line correction to seller it will not be automatically created from seller to end-customer.
5. The correction line will be available via API as it will be another line on the invoice under the original one and it isn’t expected to be more unique than the others in the functionality it serves.
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- Invoice correction
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