Currency exchange management use case

This article describes the process for configuring, editing, and deleting currency exchange rates within an organization’s system. It is possible to add any combination of currency exchange pairs.
For example, Distributor A in EUR has a contract with Reseller in USD.
Distributor sets exchange rate EUR to USD

In this article

Configured vs. Default Exchange Rates 

If exchange rate was configured by organization - the configured FX rate will return, in this case EUR to USD. If exchange rate wasn't configured - default exchange rate will return. For example: USD to EUR couple wasn't configured and it will return 1.02345 FX rate.
If user would like to have configured EUR to USD and USD to EUR couple - user should add two configurations:
Using "Add" button prompts following:
2024-07-23 09_04_36-Почта.png

From - is editable and should have organization's default currency.
To - is editable and should be the first currency in the list that wasn't configured yet.
Source - is editable and should have CurrencyLayer by default.
Base rate - read only by default, but if "Custom" source is selected, then "Base rate" is editable. If "ECB" or Currency Layer is selected - we show here rate from the selected "Source".
Surcharge - editable and by default has 0 value.
Final rate - read only. 
Reseller Contracts - read only.
Customers - read only.
Add button - invisible.

Editing Currency Exchange Rates

If user has default currency NOK and they edit currency rate NOK to USD, the following will be prompted:
2024-07-23 09_06_31-Settings.png

From - read only.
To - read only.
Source - editable.
Base rate - if "Custom" source is selected, then "Base rate" is editable, other way "Base rate" is read only. If ECB or "CurrencyLayer" is selected - we show here rate from the selected "Source".
Surcharge  - editable.
Final rate - read only.
Reseller Contracts - read only.
Customers - read only.

Deleting Currency exchange Rate Configuration

If delete currency rate configuration is chosen, the following actions will happen:
  • if distributor/reseller has no contracts and customers that are using such currency configuration - the confirmation dialog "Are you sure you want to delete EUR to CHF exchange configuration?" will be prompted and delete configuration if the deletion is confirmed.
  • If distributor/reseller has no contracts with such currency configuration but has some customers who are using such currency configuration - confirmation dialog - "1 customers are using the currencies you deselected. Are you sure you want to disable them? Note: affected customers will be notified by email and invoiced in your default currency." will be prompted and delete configuration if the deletion is confirmed.

  • If distributor/reseller has contracts with such currency configuration - it will be restricted to delete such currency couple and show an explanation dialog.

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