Custom fields

In this article: 
Introduction to Custom fields
How to Create and Edit Custom fields
Deleting a template from Custom Fields

Use case where the additional fields can be put to use

Introduction to Custom fields

This is additional info that can be added to an Organization, Subscription, Contract or Order and can be viewed only by the access role, that was selected during creation of respective property.

For example, if you need to sync additional customer profile details from your CRM and display them in the platform, you can add them as custom fields and configure how they should behave - whether the field should be required, which roles should see it and whether anybody should be able to update it.

If you sell to partners who also have AppXite platforms of their own, you can also set up custom fields for all your partners at once. This way you will simplify their onboarding process, and they can still customize their own custom field settings later if needed.

How to Create and Edit Custom fields

NOTE!  Seller admin & Distributor admin can Create/Edit the Templates under Custom fields.

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During creation you can select:

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1. Name -
Add Name of the Custom field.
2. Entity -
from the dropdown you can choose: Organization, Subscription, Contract, Order.

When you choose the entity "Subscription," the Available to vendors section, (includes vendors which offers partner can sell.) will appear on the Custom Fields page.
Users can select one or more vendors on the Custom Fields page.
If no vendors are selected, the custom field will apply to all vendors associated with the reseller or distributor.

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3. Type: choose between Text, Number, Checkbox, Single select drop-down or Multi-select drop-down Checkbox: "is required",  "Only allow to set value once", "Display On Reporting API" 
If Template is created as "is required", for existing entities (subscriptions, organizations, etc.) must fill for the properties that are set as mandatory

"Display On Reporting API" determines if custom property value is included in reporting API.

In more details read the following article Reporting API Overview

Check box will be enable only if Entity is selected as Orders.
For Orders entity, only one definition with Display On Reporting API is marked. If user tries to define more than one definition, the following message will pop up: 
Only 1 order custom field can be enabled for visibility via reporting API.

4. Available to Organizations - You can choose between "Only me"(Reseller you are currently located on), "Me and Partners" or "Only Partners"
5. Available roles - this let's you choose which access role can view/edit configured Custom field, any access role can be selected.

If "Available to roles" are not set then all roles from list will be able to see and edit custom properties records. User access to specific sections/places may affect it (e.g. organization profile, invoices).

After creation, all properties can be Edited (by Distributor admin or Seller admin), except for Entity and Type.

Deleting a template from Custom Fields

IF a field is utilized on an existing Organization, Subscription, Contract or Order, you will have to Confirm this prompt. By accepting you are choosing to delete this from the platform entirely:

Use cases where the additional fields/templated can be put

Reseller has billing contact and it should not be disclosed to the Customer.

Creating a Text Field that can be seen only by the Reseller, would provide a solution for such type of scenario.

Template example:

Name: Reseller Billing Contact.
Entity: Subscription.
Type: Text.
List options - Custom fields.
Checkbox: is required.
Available to Organizations: Only me.
Available roles: Seller admin.

Seller admin can add custom fields to contracts. Use them to enrich contracts with additional customer details, important reference numbers and other contract specifics.

Once added, it can be found in the fields on the contract details page, under the profile of your customer.

Distributor would like to assign a credit risk score to all entities.
Creating a Multi-select drop-down Field that can be viewed only by Distributor admin.
It provides a drop-down option, to assign credit risk score on an Organization.

Template example:

Name: Credit Score

Entity: Organization
Type: Multi-select drop-down

Checkbox: is required

Available to Organizations: Me and Partners

Available roles: Distributor admin


You can view how the Custom properties can be added/edited and are displayed here.


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