Invite Seller to the Platform during Seller Creation
This article guides Distributor Admins in inviting the users to the platform during Seller portal creation. That outcome can be achieved via UI or API based on enabled Identity Providers on the distributor portal.
Once the preferred identity provider has been selected, either the invitation or grant permission email will be sent, depends upon if the user has already been registered in Appxite ecosystem. This email will be used to create the first admin when this organization is approved.
In this article:
- Selecting Identity Provider via UI
- Selecting Identity Provider via API
- Use case: User was not Registered in Appxite Before
- Use case: User has been Registered in Appxite with Different Identity Provider
- Use case: User has been Registered in Appxite Already
Selecting Identity Provider via UI
When creating or editing reseller, in Primary Contact section on disti portal there is 'Identity Provider' selection. That list is unique as per the distributor and is based on the enabled identity providers on the disti portal, eg.
The identity providers for all resellers pre-existing prior to that functionality have 'Not Selected' value in disti portal (all invitation emails were sent out already) and selecting the identity provider is optional with default value 'Not Selected'. For all newly created resellers, 'Not Selected' corresponds always to 'Account' option.
Selecting Identity Provider via API
Same flows as with UI, applies when creating and editing the reseller via API.
- Create a reseller and ensure that you provide the identity provider in the body of the request as per your preferences: - Edit a reseller before it gets approved in case you need to adjust the identity provider choice: - Approve a reseller:
Use case: User was not Registered in Appxite Before
If inviting the user which was not registered in Appxite platfom before, the invitation email is sent out similarly as when inviting a new user to Appxite platform, eg.
Use case: User has been Registered in Appxite with Different Identity Provider
In this case, same as above the invitation email is sent out similarly as when inviting a new user to Appxite platform.
Use case: User has been Registered in Appxite Already
In this case, there is no invitation email sent out but instead of the Permission Granted notification similar as when granting additional access on Appxite portal.
Resellers can only use the identity providers specified by their distributors settings. Adding custom identity providers for distributors, can be carried out only by submitting the request with Appxite support team.
Also, if a reseller would like to use the Windows Azure Active Directory, the domain would need to be whitelisted, for that the support ticket should be followed.
The article is the extension of the article How to Create new Seller? in regards to inviting the seller primary contact for the first time during seller creation. The primary contact will receive the first user invitation to its (Seller's) platform based on the chosen identity provider.
Related Content
- How to Create new Seller?
- Authentication Management
Developer Portal - Channel Management 2.0
- User Invitation
- New permissions granted
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