What to do if I get the "hostname: example .onmicrosoft.com" is not valid" message?

This article explains steps that are needed to be taken in case if you are facing a "hostname: example .onmicrosoft.com" is not valid" error while creating a new tenant domain. 

1. If you are not able to create a new tenant domain (see the image below), this means:
 - this domain is already taken and exists in the Microsoft ecosystem
- this domain was attempted to be created in Appxite platform and did not succeed nor have been removed from grid yet.


Tenant domains (if already used by another Microsoft organization) can be verified on the Microsoft Tenant Availability Check Tool:

To resolve this issue, please provide different Domain name or remove the domain from a grid if available there using Delete button and re-use the name. Only tenant domains which are either in status 'Invalid' (did not created successfully) nor have any subscriptions under, can be removed. All other states (eg. 'New', 'Suspended') are not in the scope for deletion.

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