How to Consolidate the Invoices?


The consolidate invoices feature let you manage the invoices in a flexible way. You can decide if you want to consolidate invoices based on contract or keep them as separate entries.
This article guides administrator of the platforms on how to enable the consolidate invoice feature and how to use it after that.

In this article:

Enable Consolidated Invoices

Administrators can turn on the Invoices Tab feature in Settings > Currency & Payments > Invoices by selecting 'Activate the Invoices tab'.

Enabling the Invoices tab gives access to consolidation feature.


Create Consolidated Invoice

The summary invoice creation feature is available in the Outgoing Billings section.

Once you select invoices for consolidation by checking appropriate checkboxes, and then use the Create Summary Invoice button, you can see a confirmation popup window. In popup window you choose the date for the consolidate invoice being created and then the popup window shows essential statistics like the number of invoices, including the invoices that are added in the consolidation process or skipped in it. When there is a skipped invoice, you can see a tooltip that informs you about the skipped invoice by explaining that this particular invoice is already consolidated. 

When the process of creating an invoice is in progress, the platform shows the message Invoices are being created. Please wait.
When the process is completed, the platform displays the following message: Invoice creation is complete. View invoices in the Invoices tab.

 NOTE! Only invoices related to the next partner tier can be included in a summary invoice.


Review Consolidated (Summary) Invoices

Once Consolidated Invoice has been created, it can be seen in Invoices Outgoing Tab.


The columns of this tab consist of the following:

  • Invoice State - possible values:
    - New - on the moment "Summary invoice" have been created
    - TaxInProgress - on moment tax sync started
    - TaxFailed - in case tax sync failed
    - TaxCompleted - after tax sync was successful
  • Tax Invoice - Invoice PDF file (can be downloaded/previewed)
  • Invoice Receiver - name of company to whom invoice is provided
  • Currency - Currency of the invoice
  • Invoice Date - As specified by user when creating summary invoice
  • Subtotal - dynamically calculated amount
  • Tax - tax calculated synced by using the integrations.
  • Total - Total amount which includes subtotal and tax amount summed together.
  • Invoice Code Id - Unique incremental number (similar to a formatted reference number)
  • Reference Code Id - Assigned after success in tax sync. 

For tracking purposes, every consolidated invoice is assigned a unique Invoice Code ID which serves as a reference. One consolidated invoice consists of invoices with multiple currencies or multiple vendors but only next to one partner. The amount shown in Billings Outgoing Tab is the sum of those invoices.
Invoice Code Id from Invoices Outgoing Tab matches value from Summary Invoice in case if the original outgoing invoice was only next to one customer. Otherwise, it will be shown as 'Multiple Created'.

NOTE! Outgoing invoice can be consolidated only in one Summary Invoice. If it was consolidated before the invoices will be listed as skipped when attempt to consolidate as per the pop up above. However, if you wish to re-consolidate you can delete the Summary Invoice from Invoices Outgoing tab, and when attempt to consolidate again it will be listed as Requested.


Review Consolidated (Summary) Invoices On-Behalf-Of

After Summary Invoice has been created it is available in Invoices Incoming tab when you login on seller portal or on behalf of end customer (depends on the consumer of the summary invoice).

Invoices are consolidated only to the one level below which means that on seller portal, you need to consolidate outgoing invoices for your end customers independently if that was carried out on higher level. 

Invoice Code ID from here can be used as the reference with the value from Invoices Outgoing tab and also with Billings Outgoing Summary Invoice value.

Use Cases

  • Invoice I1 next to Customer C1 and Invoice I2 next to Customer C1 will consolidate into Invoice Code 1. You will see Created (1) as Summary Invoice next to Invoice 1,2.
  • Invoice I1 next to Customer C1 and Invoice I2 next to Customer C2 will consolidate into Invoice Code 1 (Customer 1) and Invoice Code 2 (Customer 2). You will see Created (1) as Summary Invoice next to Invoice 1 and Created (2) as Summary Invoice next to Invoice 2.
  • Invoice I1 next to Customer C1, Customer C2 and Invoice I2 next to Customer C2 will consolidate into Invoice Code 1 (Customer 1) and Invoice Code 2 (Customer 2 from Invoice 1,2). You will see 'Multiple Created' as Summary Invoice next to Invoice 1 and Created (2) as Summary Invoice next to Invoice 2.
  • Invoice I1 next to Customer C1, Customer C2 and Invoice I2 next to Customer C3,C4 will consolidate into Invoice Code 1 (Customer 1) and Invoice Code 2 (Customer 2 from Invoice 1) and Invoice Code 3 (Customer 3 from Invoice 2) and Invoice Code 4 (Customer 4 from Invoice 2) . You will see 'Multiple Created' as Summary Invoice next to Invoice 1 and 'Multiple Created' as Summary Invoice next to Invoice 2.


  • Creation or display of consolidation invoices in the preferred currency is not supported
  • As of R183, the consolidated invoices are not available via Reporting API. The planned ETA for delivery is January 2025.


The Consolidate Invoices feature in AppXite provides administrators with a flexible way to manage invoices, offering the ability to consolidate invoices by contract or keep them separate. This guide explains how to enable and use this feature effectively.

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