Platform API Integrations
Reporting API - Overview
Reporting API is a collection of API endpoints that provide data for sel...
Reporting API - requesting access
Access to public API and access keys can be requested by following the s...
Reporting API - Data Model
The Reporting API endpoints use the internal IDs of the platform which e...
Reporting API - How to map your Invoice Data
The invoice-headers and invoice-rows endpoints return the d...
Reporting API - Detailed Invoice Line Items
Reporting APIs can return detailed invoice line items. A comprehensive l...
Reporting API - How to identify Organizations in your Sales Channel
Identifying organizations in your sales channel gives conte...
Reporting API - Currencies within the Invoices
Appxite platform has the possibility to generate the invoices based on:
Reporting API : Preview invoices in status 'New'
We are pleased to introduce new Reporting API feature, which will help f...
Reporting API - Using updatedDate Filters
Several Reporting API endpoints allow the user to restrict the data rec...
Reporting API - Viewing Vendor Invoice Row JSONs via API
While it is Appxite platform functionality to generate the...
Reporting API - Currency Exchange Rates
Appxite exposed new set of APIs for partners in order to b...
How to add Custom Properties to Organization.
Method: POSTURL:
How to add Custom Properties to Offer.
Create offer properties
POST https://svc-product-marketing-{envName}.azu...
How to add Custom Properties to Subscription.
Method: POSTURL: