Order Custom Fields
This article describes how to create, edit, and manage order custom fields, for example Purchase Order Numbers, within a platform, providing a comprehensive guide for users who need to tailor their organizational data.
In this Article:
How to Create and Edit Order Custom fields
To begin using Order Custom Fields, Navigate to Settings - Custom Fields +Add new:
Custom fields can be configured with specific option, including:
1. Add Name of the Custom field.
2. Select Order from the entity options.
3. Type: choose between Text, Number, Checkbox, Single select drop-down or Multi-select drop-down Checkbox.
4. Choose whether the field is required.
5. Choose whether the field can be modified after its initial configuration.
6. Check the Display on Reporting API box if you want the custom field to appear in the reporting API.
7. Choose which organization the field will be available to.
8. Choose which roles from the list will have access to the field.
Setting Values:
Once the template is created, you can assign values to the custom fields when configuring an order. These values will be stored and displayed in the reporting API if marked accordingly.
This is how the Order Custom Fields are shown on the Order edit page:
Order Custom Field in Shopping Cart:
The entire block "Additional details" is hidden if no Orders templates are defined for the Orders under Custom fields.
Order Custom Fields: Scheduling and Error Handling
Custom fields can be set and updated for scheduled "on renewal", but not for scheduled on the "Custom date" - in this case, only a value set is possible, with no update for the existing value. The same logic applies to "Save for later" and "Waiting for approval" types of orders.
Error Handling:
When a user tries to save more than one template marked with 'Display on Reporting API', an error is shown: "Only 1 order custom field can be enabled for visibility via Reporting API".
If a 2-tier seller inherits a template marked with 'Display on Reporting API' from a distributor, they cannot create their own template marked with 'Display on Reporting API'.
Distributor and Seller Conflict:
If a distributor creates a template marked with 'Display on Reporting API' when a 2-tier seller already has their own template marked with 'Display on Reporting API', no errors are shown for the distributor on create/edit. In this case, the value set for the distributor's template will be taken for the Reporting API.
Order Custom Fields enable tailored order management, streamlining the use of custom data. This article guides users in implementing and managing the feature effectively.
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