Modern Subscription Grid


The modern subscription grid provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to manage subscriptions easily and effectively. The grid comes with useful and intuitive features such as easy tracking of the expiration dates, viewing wide datasets,  and many more.

The filtering options, color-coded progress bars, and customizable layout make the subscription grid a great tool to keep track of your subscriptions.

In this article:



You can modify and adjust the subscription grid to a great extent directly in the grid, but some settings for the grid are located under Settings > Subscriptions.


The page contains two sections: Filter panel and Subscription grid. The Filter panel section provides options that affect the content displayed in the subscription grid. The Subscription grid section has options that directly modify the modern subscription grid.


Filter panel

  • Active

This option allows to add the Active filter to the filter panel of the grid. The Active filter in the Filter Panel can be used to show all currently active subscriptions giving at the same time a good overview of live plans.

  • Expire within # of days

This options allows you to define the number of days in the Expire within # of days filter in the Filter Panel above the subscription grid. Once set, it allows you to filter out subscriptions that expire in the next X days with auto-renewal turned off. Note: you can set it to any value like 1, 5, 20, 30 and so on, but if you set this field to 0 (zero), the subscription grid would reflect it as 30 days. 

  • Auto-renews within # of days

This option lets you set the number of days in the Auto-renews within # days filter in the Filter Panel above the subscription grid. When you define the value, the filter in the Filter Panel allows you to filter out subscriptions that expire in the next X days with auto-renewal turned on.

  • Trial

This option adds/removes the Trial filter to/from the Filter Panel above the subscription grid. The filter allows you to filter out subscriptions in their trial period (including the expired trial subscriptions).

  • All history

This option adds/removes the All history filter to/from the Filter Panel above the subscription grid. The filter allows you to show all your subscriptions regardless of their statuses.

Subscription grid

  • Display progress bar on Expires on column

This option allows you to add a color-coded progress bar to the subscription grid. The progress bar makes it easier for you to track the timeline of your subscriptions.

  • Highlight cells in the Expires on column based on the number of days remaining until the end of the term

The option lets you add highlighting in the Expires on column that can help you easily tell how many days are left until the end of the subscription term.

  • Restrict 'Usage' column (Distributor Admin)

    If you are a distributor admin, you can use this setting to restrict the visibility of the Usage column for specific organizations (so-called child organizations). If this setting is turned on, it overrides its own-tier and other lower-tier settings of the platform; not only for sellers but also for distributor users this column in the subscription grid will not be visible. A user will then see a tooltip saying: Restricted by the parent organization. This option lets you control sensitive usage data.

  • Display 'Usage column'

    The Usage column shows for all users by default when they access the subscription grid. This option allows administrators to hide or show the Usage column based on their requirements. You may consider hiding the Usage column if you do not depend on usage-based subscriptions. Note that the tooltip in the Usage column displays the last usage date formatted in accordance with the date configuration settings.


Role-based access to settings

The appearance of configuration settings in the Subscriptions section depends on the user's role. This means that only authorized users can access and change the settings.

  • Seller / distributor admins – they can access and change all the configuration settings, which means they can almost completely adjust and customize the subscription grid.
  • Users with roles below Seller Admin - end users who can access the subscription grid but cannot change grid settings.

Grid overview

The modern subscription grid provides details about your subscription in a very accessible and user-friendly way.


Visible in the screenshot above, the filter panel located below the name of your organization features the following details and options:

1. The Search field that allows you to quickly find a specific subscription based on the keywords you enter.

2. Active shows the number of active subscriptions.

3. Expire within # of days is the option to show subscriptions that expire in the specified number of days.

4. Auto-renews within # of days option to show subscriptions that auto-renew in the specified number of days.

5. The number of trial subscriptions.

6. All history that shows all of your subscriptions.

7. The Basic subscription view changes the modern subscription view to a simpler form that you can see in the screenshot below:



Each of the fields mentioned above works as a filter when you click it. The filters are discussed in the paragraph below entitled Filtering options.


Filtering options

The filters available in the modern subscription grids are the quickest way to organize or find your subscriptions based on your desired criteria.

The filters in modern subscription grid are organized in two ways:

  • The Filter Panel is located above the grid:


  • The filters in the column headers (visible when you hover the mouse cursors over a column header):



The filters in the Filter Panel include:

2. Active this filter allows you to display active subscriptions.

3. Expire within # of days is the option to show subscriptions that expire in the specified number of days. Note that refreshing the page changes your value to the default one (30 days).

4. Auto-renews within # of days option to show subscriptions that auto-renew in the specified number of days. Note that refreshing the page changes your value to the default one (30 days).

5. The number of trial subscriptions.

6. All history that shows all of your subscriptions.

The filters in the column header row include:

  • Status
  • Subscription
  • Vendor
  • Expires on
  • Quantity
  • Addons
  • Commitment term
  • Price source
  • Catalog markup (%)
  • Subscription markup (%)
  • Renew
  • External subscription ID

Note that the column headers entitled Billing cycle, Cost, Price, Scheduled changes, Cancellation policy do not work as filters.


Filtering using the filter panel

The Filter Panel above the subscription grid both shows the details like the number of active subscriptions and can be used as a filtering tool.

For example, clicking on the Active area (1) in the Filter Panel will filter out subscriptions that are active (they have status Active) (2):


In turn, clicking on the All history section (1) of the Filter Panel will show you all subscriptions regardless of their statuses (2):

All history-filters.png

You can customize the number of days for the Expire Within # of Days and Auto-renews Within # of Days options. When you update one of the fields, other fields will automatically synchronize. For example, if you change the Expire Within # of Days value to 45, the Expire Within # of Days field will also update to 45.

NOTE: The grid automatically refreshes to show the updated values when you press the Enter key in Expire Within # of Days and Auto-renews Within # of Days fields.


Filtering using the column headers

You can also filter out subscriptions with the help of the column header filters.


To filter out subscriptions using the column header filters, follow these steps:

1. Hover the mouse over a specific column header to see if it has the filtering option (the funnel icon).


2. Choose a specific filter or filters from the drop-down menu.


4. Click on OK.


5. Your choice of filter or filters is reflected in the grid.


NOTE: You can use multiple filters at the same time to narrow down the filter results.

For example, if you choose the filter Expire within 30 days and Trials, you can see your trial subscriptions that are going to expire in a month. Also, remember that the selections you make in one filter impact the options you can see in other filters. In other words, if you do not see many options with one of the filters applied, try deselecting the options in other filters.

Grid columns

The modern subscription grid can contain multiple columns but you decide which of those columns are shown.

All the available grid columns include:

  1. Status
    • This columns shows if your subscriptions are Active or Suspended. Active subscriptions have green circle beside for differentiate quicker.
  2. Subscription
    • This column contains the names of your subscriptions.
  3. Vendor
    • The column shows the names of the vendor who provide your subscriptions and additionally MS tenant domain, Adobe admin email associated with the subscriptions respectively and all other account information where it is applicable.
  4. Expires on
    The column shows the dates when your subscriptions expire.

    Progress bar and color coding

    The subscription grid contains a color-coded progress bar in the Expires On column. The progress bar gives you a fast and easy way to check the statuses of subscriptions based on the remaining time of expiration. This way, you can focus on the subscriptions that are near their end date.
    The intuitive colors of the progress bar include:

    Green – this color indicates subscriptions that have more than 60 remaining days.
    Yellow – this color indicates subscriptions that have between 15 and 60 days left (which means they are close to expiration). Users may want to review such subscriptions and renew them.
    Red – this color shows that there are 15 days remaining before expiration. Users need to take quick action for such subscriptions. 
    Grey – this color shows expired subscriptions. Users does not need to take any action for such subscriptions.

    The filtering options let users filter subscriptions based on the expiration status directly in the Expires On column.

    The available filter options include:
        • Expiring Soon (Next XX days) - displays subscriptions set to expire in the next XX days you entered in the filter section with auto-renewal turned off
        • Renewal Soon (Next XX days) - displays subscriptions set to expire within the next XX days you entered in the filter section with auto-renewal turned on.
  5. Quantity
    • The column shows the number of the same subscriptions.
  6. Addons
    • The column shows addons active under a specific subscription.
  7. Commitment term
    • The column shows the duration of your subscriptions.
  8. Billing cycle
    • This column displays how often you need to pay for your subscriptions.
  9. Cost
    • The column shows the total price seller pays to the supplier.
  10. Price
    • The column shows the total price customer pays to seller.
  11. Price source
    • The column shows the source of price or the type of price.
  12. Catalog markup (%)
    • The column shows the markup as defined in the catalog.
  13. Subscription markup (%)
    • The column shows the markup as defined in subscription details.

      NOTE: The columns Cost, Price source, Catalog markup (%), Subscription markup (%) are visible to seller admin role and to the roles above seller admin only.
  14. Scheduled changes
    • The column shows changes that are scheduled and are pending.

      NOTE: If there are multiple scheduled changes in the Expires On column, only the first change is shown directly in the grid and is clickable. Additional details are visible in a tooltip. You can see the same behavior in the Cancellation Policy column.

  15. Cancellation policy
    • The column contains the details regarding the cancellation of your subscriptions.

      NOTE: If there are multiple cancellations available, only the first change is shown directly in the grid and is clickable. Additional details are visible in a tooltip.

16. Renew

    • The column shows whether the renew option is active or not.

17. External subscription ID

    • The column shows the subscription ID numbers from external systems.


18. Usage

    • For Azure Plan offers subscriptions, the platform also shows the usage details in the subscription grid. The value that you can see in the the Usage column is the price that is meant for the customer. In the tooltip, you can see the date of the last usage. The values from this column are included in the exported file if you select this column while exporting the data from the grid.

Changing the width of columns

You can change the width of any column to better present information.

To do so, just move your cursor to the vertical line between the column headers and drag it to the left or right to adjust the column width:



Export feature

The export feature allows you to download an XLSX file of the current view of the modern subscription grid. In other words, you are exporting the exact columns and details that you can see on the platform. For example, if you choose 5 columns on the platform, you will have those 5 columns in the exported XLSX file.

The export feature is located on the right side of the subscription grid page:


To export your subscription grid, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your AppXite account.

2. Go to the Subscriptions tab.


3. Click on Choose columns located on the right side of the page to select columns that you want to include in the exported file.


4. Choose the columns and click on OK.


5.  Adjust the desired filters as you are going to export what you see in the grid.


6. Click on the Export button.



7. A pop-up window showing export progress will appear.


8. Your XLSX file with the details from the subscription grid will automatically download.


Special scenarios

The subscription grid can handle special scenarios that are outside the regular logic.
Such scenarios include:

  • Subscriptions with no end date or Usage-based subscriptions. If there are subscriptions that have no date of expiration, the progress bar does not appear. In such a case, the Expires On column shows "No End Date" with a tooltip: "This subscription has no end date". This improves user experience as the user does not have to deal with unknown empty fields.
  • Subscriptions with long end dates. The subscriptions that are expiring in over a year have green progress bar (with no coloring), Expires On column displays "1+ years" and a tooltip saying: "This subscription expires after more than a year"

Additional Features

The subscription grid additionally comes with features such as static and interactive tooltips to help navigate and understand subscriptions section on the platform:


The subscription grid is a useful and intuitive solution that you can use for subscription management. Such features as advanced filtering options, color-coded progress bars, and customizable layouts help you deal with all subscriptions easily and effectively.

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