Advanced Subscription Grid
Advanced Subscription Grid provides an overview on customer's subscripti...
Azure Subscription Role Assignments within Tier 2 Seller and Indirect Provider Model
This article will explain the basic principles and cover work instructio...
Cancellation Policies
AppXite platform provides the ability to leverage cancellation policies ...
Expiry status for one-time subscriptions
The status of one-time subscriptions that expired is changed to the corr...
How do I add add-on(s) when purchasing a new subscription?
When purchasing a new Subscription, if the parent license has a suitable...
How do I suspend a Subscription for the customer?
IntroductionThis article outlines the step-by-step process for suspendin...
How does NCE trial subscriptions work?
By default, NCE trial subscriptions in Microsoft Partner Center have the...
How the price is calculated for Microsoft NCE Offer: Annual (P1Y) commitment with monthly billing
Here is an explanation for the price logic on a Microsoft NCE offer, wit...
How to change the name of subscription?
If you already have an existing subscription with a similar name, you ca...
How to Change the Price on Existing Subscription?
To change the price on an existing subscription, see the steps below:
How to change the quantity of subscription licenses?
If you already have an existing subscription, you don't have to purchase...
How To Edit Subscriptions?
All Subscriptions are located under the Subscriptions tab. There, they c...
How to manage add-on(s)?
In this article, you will learn about add-on management.
1. If a subscri...
How to Purchase a Subscription?
The platform allows you to buy and manage subscriptions.
In this article...
How to Upgrade Subscriptions?
The article provides a guide on upgrading or downgrading su...
Multi-Tier Partner: How to Purchase Subscription?
This article describes how to manage Subscriptions within the Platform. ...
Scheduled Orders
AppXite platform provides functionality to schedule change orders for ...
Scheduled orders - scheduling subscription changes
When editing a subscription, you can choose when you want the changes to...
Subscription End Date Alignment
End Date Alignment refers to aligning subscription renewal ...
Subscription section
The subscription section is available only in the Customer view (logged ...
Subscription's changes history
Users with access to the Subscriptions section will see a history of all...