How to purchase NCE Subscriptions?
To purchase a Subscription through the Product Catalog, you have to be logged in on behalf of your customer, afterwards select the desired product in the catalog by clicking “View Offers”.
The “More information” (1) link in the selected offer will provide an extended description. Press “Buy Now” (2) to add the offer to the Shopping Cart.
Step 1: Configure Plan
3. Choose the Tenant Domain
4. Change the Quantity as desired
5. Choose Commitment period.
6. Choose Charge Period (Monthly, Annual)
7. Adjust Markup percentages if necessary.
8. Under the summary table, you can see Billing cycle, Partner price, Suggested Retail Price, Customer Price, Margins.
When selecting Add to cart, A pop-up will appear "Commit to 1 year(s)?"
After confirmation, a pop-up window with a purchase summary will appear on the right side of the screen:
By selecting the arrow, you can choose to Create a Quote or Place the order.
After the Place order action, You will then receive the Order Number and Order summary.
Note! Add-ons sold separately from base offers. In new commerce, partners purchase the add-ons from the catalog itself, no longer having a bifurcated purchase experience for base offers and add-ons; both base offers and add-ons are displayed in the catalog in new commerce. For more details please read the following article How to purchase Add-ons separately from base offers?
Please read the following articles on the Cancellation policy and New refund terms.
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