Custom Fields Description

This article describes how Custom Properties, which are additional details added by the Distributor or Seller to Organization, Subscriptions, and Offers, are managed, displayed on the UI, and synchronized with ERP or CRM systems.
NOTE! Only the Distributor Admin or Seller admin/Account manager can view custom properties.

These are the only valid data formats accepted for the Custom properties:
- Name
- String
- Integer
- Boolean
- Single List
- Multi List

Each partner can define for each template whether the template should be inherited by their "child" partners and their platforms.

Users can Edit values for supported objects on UI or via API.

How to add Custom properties through API:

For an Organization For a Subscription For Offers
Click here Click here Click here

This task can also be submitted to the Support team by following these instructions: How to Submit a task to add Custom properties.

Note! For now, the properties that are in use (values are applied to the items) cannot be edited and will show this error message:

In the near future the option to add more values to the already existing and used properties will be released.

Examples of how the properties are portrayed in the UI:
For an Organization:

For a Subscription:

Such properties can be added after the subscription is purchased.
If these must be added during the purchase process, check out this article for the supported UI functionality: 
For Offers:

Besides from the data formats, added properties are not going to be validated for other formats (such as email or date formats) in the platform and will be portrayed in the Outgoing Invoice section, in such manner:


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