What is Usage based calculator
Once the vendor has set up the usage based offer pricing plan, the end Customer can estimate what would be the total price in the billing cycle when making a decision to purchase or not to purchase the offer.
For details in regards to how to set up the usage-based pricing plan, refer to the article below:
How to Set up and Operate Usage Based Offer.
The calculator is very similar to the plan preview described in above KB article except that it also takes into consideration the price sources and the markups.
Here is a guideline on how the usage-based calculator works:
- In the product catalog, select 'estimate' to get started
- You will be provided with the following screen next (of course it will depend upon the actual pricing plan):
a. Enter the amount of usage you estimate you will use it
b. See estimated usage price based on variables set up by vendor in pricing plan
c. See the grand total which includes the subscription price and estimated usage price for hybrid offers or estimated usage price for usage-based offers.
- If you update the markups, it will have an effect on all prices presented in the UI
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- What is Usage based calculator
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