Customer Prices: How to bulk import prices?

It is possible to import prices in bulk  using spreadsheet (.csv and .xlsx) for easier price management.

Go to Catalog  → Customer Price  Create New → Import :

2024-08-02 09_25_02-Inbox - - Outlook.png

The Import prices window will pop up with description and a sample file:

Import Prices Template:


The Template shows what is needed in order to import the new pricing configurations.

Once the Template has been filled in with all the necessary details - you can proceed with importing the prices - click on  Select FileImport

Note! The From date in the Import file CANNOT be earlier than or equal to [Today's date] - the earliest From date should be the next day (UTC) following the import. In more detail read the following article Platform Time Zone

In case of unsuccessful import, the error message will pop up describing the reason of the failure:


Further import of the file will not be possible until all the necessary corrections are made to the data in the file.

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1 comment

  • Oleg S.

    Pity that a Customer-Vendor combo price still cannot be accommodated

    Oleg S.