Release Notes 58

In this release we enabled sellers to choose from and manage more login options for their customers. We also made managing catalog for your customers a more pleasant and efficient experience with a few impactful tweaks.

Features and fixes included in the release

Title Description Who benefits?
Enable/disable identity providers selected in Authentication settings As a seller, you can now enable more login options that you want your customers to use. Seller, customer
Improved usability of
managing catalog
As a seller, you can now click on the product name in the grid where you arrange your catalog for customers to view the full product page with description and offers. We also made the look & feel of products & offers in the grid more consistent. Seller
Microsoft Software Subscription not visible on Subscription page Resolved a case when sometimes Microsoft software subscription would not show up on your Subscriptions page. Seller, customer
Delay in reporting & invoicing updates We resolved the issues that would prevent reports and invoices to be updated and generated on time for certain sellers. Seller


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