Adding/Updating Subscription From Adobe Admin Console


This article explains the actions that need to be taken by the Seller, in case the Adobe license purchase has been made through the Adobe console, instead of using the AppXite platform.


  • If the purchase has been made for an additional license(s), on an existing subscription, Seller must:
    1. Login to the Customer profile, on the AppXite platform.
    2. Place an update order on the existing subscription, for the same quantity.

  • If the purchase was made for a new subscription, Seller must:
    1. Login to the Customer profile, on the AppXite platform.
    2. Place a purchase order, under the Customer profile, for the same quantity of licenses, in the AppXite platform.


Seller has 7 days to place these orders or else these will not be processed successfully.

If the purchase has been made through the Adobe admin console, it is Adobe, not AppXite who should automatically send a notification to the Seller.
The notification will show the End customer name, Offer name, and Quantity.

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