Purchase Order Report
Purchase order report - the view will allow you to see a list of the orders made and the related prices.
It has 4 filter groups with different filtering conditions:
1. Basic - Provisioned Date, Reseller, Customer, Vendor, Reseller Country
2. Subscriptions - Vendor, Subscription, Auto Renew Enabled, Trial, Microsoft NCE, Subscription Start Date
3. Organizations - Reseller, Customer, Vendor, Reseller Country
4. Offers - Vendor, Product, Offer, Offer Type, Trial, Microsoft NCE, Custom Offer Properties
The following information is presented in this report:
- Reseller Country
- Reseller Name
- Reseller ERP ID
- Customer name
- SKU code
- SKU description
- Currency
- Billing Frequency
- Distributor Unit Cost
- Reseller Unit Cost
- Quantity
- Distributor Total Cost
- Reseller Total Cost
- Provisioned Date
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