List Offers in AppXite Partner's Catalog

The AppXite Platform enables software vendors and ISVs to list their offerings in the catalogs of AppXite partners to extend the sales channels across countries, new segments, and verticals while managing offers in a single product hub.

Note! To publish offerings in the AppXite partner catalog, first, the vendor must contact the desired partner or distributor directly to agree on collaboration or partnership.

Platform Access & User Rights

  • Fill out the onboarding form
  • After completing the onboarding form, you will receive an email invitation to your platform sandbox within three working days:


  • Select Accept invitation, create your platform password, and access to the platform will be granted. 

To start creating the products and offers, you have to own a Product Manager role or you can grant it to the user who is going to create products and offers.

  • To change the roles, select Users:


  • Click on the user name:


  • Select Add to add a Product Manager role:


  • Click Invite New if you want to add more users, then fill out the needed details:


Create Products & Offers

  • To access Product Management, click Catalog and then My Products


  • You will be redirected to the Product Management tool. To create a new product in the Products & Offers section, select New Product and fill in the needed product information:


The product is always the first to be created, after the product is created – offers can be created. There can be multiple offers under one product. 

  • To create a new offer, select New Offer for the desired product, fill in the needed fields, and click Save


You can only publish the offer when the pricing plan is set up. 

Create Pricing Plan

  • To create a pricing plan under offers, select the View Offers & Bundles:


  • and choose Edit pricing plan:



Testing Offers

When offers and pricing plans are created and published, drag and drop the products in one of the product categories to see the products listed in the catalog.

  • Select Catalog and Customer Segments


  • Choose All (default)


  • Click the button Edit Catalog


  • Then drag & drop the created products in the Categories on the left: 


  • Now, to test your products and offers, return to the homepage by clicking the logo, and selecting the Organization:


  • Choose your Organization:


  • To start testing the offer configuration and checkout experience select Buy Now


When the products and offers are published and they are performing as expected, contact to start the validation. Once the validation process is complete, you will receive an email invitation to access the production environment, where you will need to repeat all the steps outlined above.

When products and offers are published in the production environment, contact to list your offers in the desired AppXite partner catalog. 

Billing Data 

Once the Order is completed and Provisioning is finished, it turns into the Subscription based on which the billing data is created and can be accessed in the section Invoices


In order to integrate the billing data into your own external business systems or platforms, use AppXite APIs:

Navigating Platform APIs

Reporting API - How to map your Invoice Data


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