Notification Types
Order Note Added
When a note is added to any order, the platform generates a notification...
'Order Pending Approval' Notification Event
The OrderPendingApproval' notification event acts as an ale...
The Status of the Order Changed
When the status of an order changes, the platform sends a notification t...
The Product Catalog Was Changed
You can set up webhooks to receive alerts about significant catalog chan...
Disclaimer About Expected Provisioning Time
When users submit an order, a disclaimer notification will show that pro...
Receive Provisioning Details by Email
When a customer places an order, the vendor will receive an email with p...
Offers - Become Available
When a vendor has an available product with an active offer, the platfor...
Scheduled Order - Created
When a Scheduled Change is planned (Custom Date, On Renewal) the platfor...
Custom Date Scheduled Order Cancellation
When scheduled change is canceled on a custom date, platform creates a ...
Proposal Submitted
When a seller saves an order draft for the end-customer’s review, the pl...
Subscriptions - Provisioning Successful
When an offer is successfully provisioned by the vendor, the platform se...
Organizations - Customer Created During Sync
When a new CSP customer or tenant is created during synchronization, the...
Organizations – New Organization Signed Up
When a new end-customer user signs up into the platform for the first ti...
Organizations - New Tenant Created
When a new Microsoft tenant is created, a notification will be sent out ...
Organizations - Status Changed
When the status of organization changes, such as from active to inactive...
Organizations - customer approval pending
When a new organization is created, the reseller receives a notification...
Payments - Automatic Payment by Card Successful
When your card is saved successfully, the platform sends a notification,...
Payments – Preferred Currency Reset
When the seller disables a currency previously selected by the customer,...
Quotes - Accepted
When a customer accepts a quote, the platform sends a notification to th...
Quotes - Canceled
When a quote is canceled by the Seller’s account manager, the platform s...
Quote - Change Requested
When a customer requests a change to a quote and the quote status is set...
Quotes - Rejected
When a quote is rejected by the Seller’s account manager, the platform s...
Quotes - Sent/Received
When a new quote or a quote update is sent by an account manager, the pl...
Subscriptions Order Placed / Canceled
When an order is placed or a subscription is canceled, the platform send...
Subscriptions - Renewal Soon
When a subscription's renewal is approaching, the platform sends a remi...
Subscriptions - Renewal Successful
When a subscription renewal is successful, the platform sends a notifica...
Subscriptions - Renewal Failed
When a subscription renewal is failed, the platform sends a notification...
Subscriptions Changes Successful
When a subscription is successfully changed, including any status update...
Subscription Changed Successfully - Partial Upgrade
When a partial upgrade is performed (where the upgraded quantity is less...
Subscriptions - Changes Failed
When an error occurs during an attempt to change a subscription, includi...